Forest Friends 9 AM Camp Ages 2-6

Phillips Farms 6-week Caregiver & Me
Ages 2-6 on Tues. Nov. 16-Dec 21

Service Description

Tuesdays 9 am -10 am *This is a class where a caregiver must attend all classes with the child* Ages 2-6 Only $75 per child for a full 6-week session! Rain or Shine Nature Course! If you have a child slightly out of this age group, you still may join, but remember that this course is centered around the capabilities and interests of 2-6 year olds! This is a 6 week, hands-on “caregiver and me” course. Each class *typically* includes any of the following with a new nature concept/theme each week! Story/Song/Opening Exercise Lesson/Activity/Games BYO Snack-Time Light Hiking Time Open Play Opportunity Craft

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